Our raspberries are doing great things this year, and I can see I'll be making plenty of jam. In the meantime we eat them every day for breakfast, and yesterday evening I even made some raspberry ice cream ... YUM! summer in a bowl!
My favourite raspberry ripple recipe whisks me straight back to when as a girl, it was one of my favourite desserts. Maybe because it is as pretty to look at, as it is delicious to eat.
The great things about this recipe is that you don't have to have a real ice cream maker. It is quite happy to be popped into he freezer in a tub and given the occasional stir!
To make a large quantity - and frankly there is no point in making any less when a thing is this delicious! - you will need:
2 cups of raspberries, plus a few more for decoration
225g / 1.5 cups sugar
2 lage eggs and 4 extra yolks
600ml/ 1 pint double cream
First cook the raspberries and 2 tablespoons of sugar in a small pan,. Cook until the sugar dissolves, then simmer for a few minutes until thickened. It is preferable to push the fruit through a sieve to get rid of the tiny seeds, but this isn't obligatory.
Now you need to make a custard. Combine the eggs, the egg yolks and the sugar in a mixing bowl and whisk until they are thick and pale. Place the bowl over a pan of simmering water and stir continuously until the cream thickens. Don't let it get too hot or the custard will turn, and you'll have to start over! Let the custard cool before moving on to the next step.
In a separate bowl whisk the cream until it thickens enough to form soft peaks. Fold the cream and the custard together, and pour into a shallow container that won't crack in the freezer.
Now you get to the pretty bit ... pour the raspberry coulis gently into the cream and custard mix, then swirl it around just enough to create some lovely pink lines, but not so much as to colour the whole thing pink.
If you wish you can drop a few whole raspberries into the mixture at this point, but I prefer to add them whole as I serve the scoops of pink and white ice cream into individual dishes.
Thank you to everyone who writes me to say that they made a recipe successfully, I love to hear how it went!
pictures thanks to google images
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