I apologise if the blog is a tad flowery at the moment, but hey! it is June after all, and Normandy is at its most fragrant time of year.
Our climbing rose in the middle of the garden has exploded this week, and although I know it is difficult to use the flowers in an arrangement, I thought I'd have a go ...
I placed one large and two smaller vases on my mantelpiece, and cut branches of various lengths from the fragrant rose.
This exercise could be more accurately described as a balancing act than as a flower arrangement. Those rose branches have a will of their own, and persuading them to face the right way required .... patience!
The dogs, in the meantime, feigned indifference to the rose bush lighting up the garden behind them, and faced with my resistance to their pleas to go for a walk, they lost the will to protest and fell asleep on the terrace!
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