What do you get when you pair a petite bouquet of pale pink pretties,
a little lavender and a burlap sack?
Something a little charming.
something that's a little rustic
and that's a little sweet.
I picked up these pretty in pink roses at Safeway
not knowing just where I would put them yet...
but I just loved their pale blushing color and tiny blooms.
When I got home, I thought of those coffee sacks...those ones from Burlap Fabric...
I am loving them and wanted to use them for another project so...
I got out my sewing machine and a few minutes later
a little burlap sack
with a faded green stripe appeared.
I set a mason jar inside the sack for a little bit of water for the flowers
and placed it on the wall with a small bouquet of roses
with a little bit of lavender mixed in.
Then I thought...
two would be twice as nice.
I love the rustic texture and look of the burlap sack
with the soft, sweet charm of the flowers.
A quick little project
but I am loving how it turned out
Almost forgot!
The winner of the English transferware gift certificate is
D Magazine
Congratulations -
please email me within 3 days and I will put you in touch with Nancy.
I wanted to say thank you to everyone for all your sweet comments and compliments
about yesterdays post about my magazine feature!
A few of these little coffee sacks are available
email me for information if you would like!
See you tomorrow for Feathered Nest Friday!
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