The palest of pink roses...
gathered up and set inside old tarnished silver...
and simply beautiful.
I have a little obsession with vintage silver
and have been collecting discarded and forgotten pieces of it for years.
Any kind of old monogrammed treasures are my favorites.
Some of it is not perfect- it's finish is worn and dull...
but I don't mind the tarnished and mottled look.
As much as I love polished and shiny new silver-
I love that old finish too.
A trio of tiny bouquets on the mantel
or an overfilled bouquet in a trophy cup...
I love the simple charm.
These pretties are climbing roses from our yard.
I believe they are called Cecile Brunner roses
They start out pale pink and fade to white and they smell absolutely amazing.
A soft breeze yesterday carried their scent through the air
and inspired me to gather a few of the roses up for a bouquet
These are delicate roses
and as I was photographing them, their tiny petals were falling
and collecting on the tabletop
Simple & beautiful
I have been working on taking better photos and getting to know my camera a little better
over here and have been thinking of posting once in a while with just a simple subject for my photos
This week... these pretties inspired me.
Hope you all had a wonderful blessed weekend!
Don't miss the fantastic giveaway I have going on right now
3 signed copies of VINTAGE BY NINA
Click HERE to enter to win or to find a link to
pre-order the english text version of the same book
Happy Tuesday!
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Wow Us Wednesdays
DIY by design
Open House Thursdays
White Wednesdays
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Southern Hospitality
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