There's something about vintage transferware in a cupboard or cabinet.
The details and designs of the old elegant pieces are so charming.
My love affaire with transferware began about 10 years ago when I stumbled
upon a set of English Scenery in red at a yard sale.
I was in love instantly!
Since then,
I have picked up a piece here or there when finding them at flea markets or thrift stores
and added to the collection.
I have most of the red in my kitchen and it is probably my favorite
but I also have a charming collection of green transferware that I got from a friend several years back.
She had been collecting green pieces for several years & decided that she wanted a change.
Her collection was gorgeous and she had some really beautiful substantial pieces in it.
We swapped things for it actually -
she asked if I would be interested in trading the transferware
for a couple things I was selling.
I absolutely love the gorgeous tureens she had collected-
so beautiful!
She had several platters and tureens as well as plates
and bowls and serving pieces.
I used to have the green displayed in the tall, dark and handsome cupboard
in the living room but just last week I was changing the look around a bit in there
and moved it to another piece that I have in my bedroom.
More on that piece and the rest of the collection soon~
for now~ it's time to announce the
Winner in the Cottage in the Oaks giveaway!!!
Shoestring Elegance
Please email me your information!
I have been having issues with blogger again!!
My most recent post on my kitchen has been disappearing or partially disappearing for some reason
and some comments are not showing up on the post when I publish them
I keep getting errors saying the content is unavailable -
I have no idea.
It's making me crazy... again... hopefully it will be fixed soon.
There is time left to enter the LOWES $100 gift card giveaway yet!!!
It is open until Saturday ~
Click HERE
to go to the post to enter to win!!
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