This week- there are tons of recaps and re-shares on the blogs
which is good since I am not getting ANY projects done right now! lol!
So today sharing some of your (and mine) favorite before and afters of the year
in no particular order
Just click on the title to view the post.
Here's the Before- Before:
If you followed my blog in the spring-
you will remember that our pergola collapsed into the house
(and through the french doors)
under the weight of the ridiculous heavy snowfall we had overnight.
We had nearly a dozen HUGE old trees that broke off or fell over and
caused LOTS of damage on our property
and there were similar stories all over the county.
It was a record year for snow in California.
In an effort to get that pergola up in time for the Kmart backyard posts,
my husband and sons rebuilt the pergola in just a few days
Here it is part way finished- in the BEFORE
Yes, it was freeeeeezing outside while they worked on it
and yes, it did snow again after it was built.
In May. In California.
Absolutely insane.
Luckily we were able to re-use a lot of the wood from the original
and we rebuilt the pergola in a different spot behind our bedroom.
Whoo Whoo!!
They did an amazing job!!
It was perfect for the table setting in the Kmart post.
Here's the pea gravel patio /beach area
and after:
As part of the Kmart makeover-
I picked up French style bistro chairs for the outside table.
They started out looking like this:
but bright turquoise and not the shabby french look I was going for.
They ended up looking like this after paint & a little stenciling.
Love them.
I made over this old antique chest of drawers in a copy cat challenge.
Love the Americana look. So classic & proud.
The little chalkboards were readers favorites
They were made out of frames I found at the thrift store
These were a big contrast to the
that we made for the dining room
There was the Swedish Clock
makeover using a clock from Walmart
and the Ruffled tablecloth
that started out as bedskirts that I found at
which I also made into a ruffled ottoman slipcover as well.
(Laurie... I am working on it soon! REALLY!)
One of my favorites this year was the bathroom refresh.
We remodeled this bathroom several years ago but it got a little bit of a new look this year.
What started out as a few pieces of burlap from Home Depot's garden department...
turned into this
My Bedroom...
got a little refresh as well
and you loved the open
that were created by taking the doors off
and using a large platter & a jigsaw to make the arches.
(I will be sharing more photos of the refreshed kitchen soon!!)
So that's the review of some of your favorite makeovers of 2011!
Back with my favorite posts soon
and Feathered Nest Friday this Thursday!!
sharing at
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